

A 3D platform universe, two characters and two keys, one for each character, and at the end of the road two princesses to free. Just press a key and the corresponding character will jump on the next platform in front of him.


Atomix is a little mind game where you have to build molecules out of single atoms. These are laying around between the walls and obstacles on the playfield. Once you have pushed an atom in one direction it moves until it hits an obstacle or another atom. It needs some thinking how to construct complex molecules with this atom behaviour.


In Angry, Drunken Dwarves, you are an angry, drunken dwarf. Why are you so angry? Who knows. But you've decided to take your aggression out on other dwarves, by dropping gems on their heads. Lots of gems. The goal of the game is to build large gems by matching up colors, then break them, raining more gems down onto your opponent. The first person whose field fills up, loses.


Like anagrams? You'll love Anagramarama!
The aim is to find as many words as possible in the time
available. Get the longest word and you'll advance to the
next level.
