Desktop Flickr Organizer


The application allows online/offline mode management of your photos. You can upload, search and download photos, through the easy to use interface.

1. Uploading and downloading of photos.
2. You can download selected photos or the entire sets.
3. Edit information attached to photos; delete photos from stream.
4. Add/Remove tags associated with photos.
5. Create new sets, edit set information, add/remove photos from sets, delete sets.
6. Add/Remove photos from Group Pools.
7. Add/Delete/Edit comments. Text search comments and their author names.
8. Post photos to blogs.
9. Easy Drag-n-drop photos from nautilus for uploading.
10. Image preview in file chooser dialog, shown when uploading photos.
11. Edit title, description, privacy and tags of photos set for uploading.
12. Allow reverting of edits done to photo.

Similar applications: 
Picasa, Photoshop Album, Microsoft Expression Media. iPhoto