Update Firmware On EM7455 Chip And Set Device ID To Sierra Wireless
This documentation applies to Linux Mint 20.2 & 21 and confirmed to work when running from a live environment:
Step 1: Install the software needed to update modem firmware
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install libqmi-glib5 libqmi-proxy libqmi-utils curl libuuid-tiny-perl libipc-shareable-perl minicom -y
Step 2: Download and unpack modem firmware from the "EM/MC74xx Approved FW Packages" page: Download the 7455 Generic Linux Binaries as pictured here
Open a terminal and unzip (replace with the version that you downloaded):
unzip SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00_Generic_002.072_001.zip
Step 3: Stop the modem manager so it doesn't interfere with the update process
systemctl stop ModemManager
Step 4: Download swi_setusbcomp.pl utility for switching the modes the modem is capable of operating in
wget https://www.thinkpenguin.com/files/em7455-modem-software/swi_setusbcomp.pl
Step 5: Put the modem into QMI mode (this may differ depending on the modem you have or revision thereof)
sudo perl swi_setusbcomp.pl --usbcomp=6
Step 6: Unplug and reconnect the modem
Step 7: Grab the device ID and flash the latest firmware
deviceid=`lsusb | grep -i -E '1199:9071|1199:9079|413C:81B6' | awk '{print $6}'`
sudo qmi-firmware-update --update -d "$deviceid" SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00.cwe SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00_GENERIC_002.072_001.nvu
Step 8: We need access to serial so put the modem in a mode which supports NEMA (8 for our modems)
sudo perl swi_setusbcomp.pl --usbcomp=8
Step 9: Unplug the modem and then plug it back in
Step 10: Using minicom we will run a few commands to set the vendor ID to stock upstream chip firm Sierra Wireless
sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB2
#verify the firmware version that you flashed took
# set vendor ID to stock
Step 11: Quit minicom
'ctrl-A' then 'X' and then - ENTER
Step 12: Unplug the modem and then plug it back in
Step 13: For normal desktop distributions you will want to set the modems operating mode to MBIM
sudo perl swi_setusbcomp.pl --usbcomp=9
Step 14: Unplug the modem and then plug it back in
Step 15: To test the modem start ModemManager back up
systemctl start ModemManager
Step 16: Check to see if the modem shows up as a Sierra Wireless device using lsusb
Bus 001 Device 011: ID 1199:9071 Sierra Wireless, Inc. EM7455
Step 17: Run dmesg and see if the modem is using the cdc_mbim module (it should be) and that there are no /dev/ttyUSB[X] devices are being reported