Shirts, CDs, & Case Badges for GNU/Linux

All The Other Good Stuff
Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency Pin: Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash

Get your 1" x 1" Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency Pin and show your support for Satoshi Nakamoto's vision with a Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency Pin. Bitcoin was never meant to be a digital investment. Rather it was meant as a transactional currency that one could utilize in the conducting of business such as the exchange of goods. Let others know you support the use of crypto in your financial transactions and not just as some sketchy "investment" instrument! Bitcoin Cash is one of only a handful of real world crypto currencies being adopted by merchants today. Supporters of Bitcoin Cash include companies developing merchant tools such as AnyPay, BitPay, and CoinPayments. This means you can expect to see widespread adoption and will soon be able to easily spend Bitcoin Cash.

Monero Cryptocurrency Pin: Secure, Private, Untraceable

Get your 1" x 1" - Monero Cryptocurrency Pin. Show your support for secure, private, and untraceable crypto currencies. Let others know privacy in your financial transactions matter!

On August 24th, 2014 the coffee company Keurig Green Mountain announced the Keurig 2.0 coffee maker. With it the company introduced a detested technology called Digital Restrictions to the world of electrical appliances.

The next-generation machine forces users to brew with Keurig-approved coffee pods exclusively, using a digital scanner that looks for an ink marker on authorized K-cups. The company also discontinued its “My K-Cup” reusable pod, which meant that its customers can no longer use their own coffee in a Keurig 2.0 coffee maker.

These restrictions quickly drew the ire of customers and on May 6th Keurig made an announcement in an effort to stem the flow of fleeing customers that they were making changes. Unfortunately it quickly became apparent this was little more than a public relations move as the company stated it had no plans to remove the feature and rather would be making an effort to license the technology to more coffee companies.

Disgusted we began looking what we could do to help educate more users about these malicious features. Knowing full well we had a customer base more knowledgeable than most we thought “what about a DRM-free Coffee Mug to help promote DRM-free coffee makers?”. And so it was born.

Get your DRM-free coffee mug and say no to DRM-infected coffee. Not only will you be saying no to DRM-infected coffee, but you'll be helping educate the world about the problems digital restrictions bring to everything from technology to modern electrical appliances. Everybody around you will be asking “What's DRM? Should I be worried about it?” and to that you can apply affirmatively “Yes”.

Ed Snowden, Enemy of The State, Hero for the rest of us Bumper Sticker

Edward Snowden came to international attention after disclosing to several media outlets thousands of classified documents that he acquired while working as an NSA contractor. Snowden's leaked documents revealed numerous global surveillance programs, many of them run by the NSA and the Five Eyes with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and [we've been censored and can no longer list this union due to laws creating liability for us] governments.

A subject of controversy, Snowden has been variously called a hero, a whistleblower, a dissident, a patriot, and a traitor. His disclosures have fueled debates over mass surveillance, government secrecy, and the balance between national security and information privacy.

Use Firefox? Get the Privacy Badger from the EFF and limit the excessive invasion of your privacy.

Facebook Knows Exactly Where You Are Right Now Bumper Sticker

You thought the NSA was the only entity which knew exactly where you were and what you were up to? Think again. Every time you see a Facebook like button Facebook gets informed of your location and going ons. Facebook even has a larger budget for invading your privacy than the NSA.

Use Firefox? Get the Privacy Badger from the EFF and limit this excessive invasion of your privacy.

Blockchain Bitcoin Pin

1" x 1" - Blockchain Pin

Snowden T-Shirt Snowden T-Shirt

Promises without transparency aren't enough - truth and transparency trump hope. Push your government to be more transparent so as to better serve the world!

Snowden, who recently published "A Manifesto for Truth" in the German weekly publication Der Spiegel, continues to reside in Russia outside of the reach of the United States government.

Note: Ships from the United States via US postal service only no matter what shipping option is selected.

Silk Road Camel T-Shirt

Publicly celebrate the favorite privacy-friendly marketplace, Silk Road!

Launched in February, 2011 by Dread Pirate Roberts, (reputedly aka Ross Ulbricht), and "shut down" by the FBI on October 2, 2013 to great fanfare, but it is back again in every other way via numerous other Darknet markets and seemingly here to stay. Vive la libert̩é!

The Silk Road web site only works via the anonymous TOR browser, which you can get from

Note: Ships from the United States via US postal service only no matter what shipping option is selected.

More info
"I used Silk Road and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"

Publicly celebrate the favorite privacy-friendly marketplace, Silk Road!

Launched in February, 2011 by Dread Pirate Roberts, (reputedly aka Ross Ulbricht), and "shut down" by the FBI on October 2, 2013 to great fanfare, Silk Road is back again and seemingly here to stay. Vive la libert̩é!

The Silk Road web site only works via the anonymous TOR browser, which you can get from

Note: Ships from the USA via US postal service only no matter what shipping option is selected.

Pirate Printing Company T-Shirt

The copyleft symbol above crossed wrenches represents the Pirate Printing Company ideology - free sharing of information is the best way to make cool stuff.

Printed on black Anvil tee

Note: Ships from the United States only via US postal service no matter what shipping option is selected.